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Travel Back in time and stroll through the cities of Malta

Posted on 11/29/2013 in Malta
Malta is a south European city in the mediterranean sea. It is a country that have seen its fair share of wars due to its location as a strategic navy base. Among the powers that have occupied the Island country include; Phoenicians, Romans, Moorish, Normans, Aragonese, Habsburg Spain, Knights of St. John, French and the British. This occupation left Malta with...

Wreck diving in Bermuda

Posted on 12/03/2013 in Bermuda
The word 'Bermuda' is mostly associated with Bermuda Triangle, the supposedly dangerous shipping lane that 'swallows' ships and aircrafts that by-pass it. A lot of paranormal/extraterrestrial activity is associated with the region. US government does not recognize the name 'Bermuda Triangle' and has discounted the stories associated with it as mere fabrications by people with creative imaginations. On the Northern tip...

Traveling to French Polynesia on a budget

Posted on 12/03/2013 in French Polynesia
French Polynesia is an archipelago of Islands that are part of the French overseas territory. The most popular of the Islands is Tahiti, which also happens to be the most populous and host to the Island's capital, Papeet. The largest city is called Fa'a'a. Unlike what the travel websites and brochures would have you think, you can travel to the islands...

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